Do I need a copywriter?

If you are reading this you are most likely curious and asking:

  • What is a copywriter?

  • Do I need to hire one?

  • How can I become one? (That’s actually how I found out about this career).

In that case this first blog post will navigate you to the life of a copywriter (or at least this one).

The perils you may be facing that further drive you into the arms of a copywriter.

How to spot a copywriter that fits with your needs.

Here we go…

When people hear the word copywriting, they think of copyright. While copyrighting is an important legal term, it's not what copywriters do.

Furthermore, people may think of the sleazy Mad Men era ad agency practices or sloppy ads that become infamous (we all know the ones).

The copywriting that I’m talking about is like the latter, minus the unethical practices.

Why not turn to the good ole dictionary to tell us what copywriting and content writing is.


According to Oxford:

n. The activity or occupation of writing the text of advertisements or publicity material.

In other words, it's the act of writing copy, duh. Now, what is copy?

Copy: Matter that's printed. The text of an advertisement.

It’s any piece of writing used to convey a message and to nudge your intended client to take action, i.e. buy or work with you. Yet, content writing (i.e. blogs) could also be copywriting if it moves someone to further action.

Content writing

According to Backlinko:

The process of planning, writing, and editing web content used for marketing purposes.

In layman's terms, it's the act of writing content (again duh). Content is anything that provides education/information. It doesn’t have to move you to action. Examples include blog posts, articles, white papers, tutorials, scripts, reports, and speeches.

So are copywriting and content writing the same?

Sometimes. Think of it this way: All copy is content, but not all content is copy.

How? Let’s look at a website on laundry detergent.

The web copy could include comparing that laundry detergent to others on the market. The website is trying to sell you on buying their laundry detergent. Content writing is the blog post that informs readers of the dangers of fragrances in detergents.

Side note: It could be copywriting if it has a CTA that leads you back to buying their products.

So content educates while copy moves you to action, but copy can (and should) also inform.

Still following?

Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way.

You may need to hire a copywriter:

  • If you still don’t know who (or you pivoted) your audience and are not sure how to write to them in mind.

  • If you’re struggling to clarify what actionable steps to take.

  • You want to reclaim your time now and conserve your energy for projects that you are actually excited to do.

  • You feel as if you have a good idea on where to go next, but you are not sure if it’s authentic to your brand's voice.

  • You are not sure how to be authentic while getting the results that you want.

  • You need support in soulful writing.

If you checked off any of these boxes, then you might be in need of a copywriter! 

How can a copywriter help me?

Most copywriters get into the field because they understand the power of harnessing words. Marketing psychology revolves around this concept to place a sense of urgency. To meet people where they are at. To create a feeling of solidarity.

Most businesses understand this. They then hire freelancers (like me) or agencies that will provide these words. The intent being to generate leads.

As someone who has been writing for years, I know how empowering it is to communicate those dreams. That's why I started this business. I wanted to walk alongside them and leverage their business with my writing skills. I want show the world that we can make it a better place with words that push towards action.

Copywriters have the goal in mind to create leads, but they can also use content to keep others informed.

Copy is all around us and we don't even notice it!

For example, if you are a graphic designer you may decide to incorporate a blog to drive traffic to your site. People who search for typography, for example, stumble on your page. They then decide they want to work with you because of the education that you provided. They may not buy from you now either. Yet, they remember that you had given them the answers they searched for. Which in turn made their lives easier because of your knowledge.

How about when you type in: swim suits for full figured women? You find a site that utilizes those keywords and start to browse. Then, a pop up appears! They want you to sign up for their list. That's a strategy used by copywriters to get you to remember them and turn you into a potential customer.

Even something as subtle as an IG caption for an investing course can be copy. We all see those captions that detail a life changing realization that moves you. That makes you say, "that happened to me to". That creates empathy. It makes you think, "If I buy this course, I will have financial freedom too". That my friend, is the power of good copy.

What to look for in a copywriter?

If you choose to hire me (or anyone else for that matter) than look for these:

Someone who communicates with you to ensure that everything is right.

Side note: always be picky and precise with your words because you never get them back…

Someone who thrives as an independent and won’t waste your precious time.

Someone who is not afraid to put in their two cents (because we got to watch out for each other).

If you decide to work with me…

I’ll make sure that your words match your heart.

I’ll ask the questions that you didn’t even know you had to ask.

I'll build a connection that is genuine to the core of your brand.

For me, this is my why:

I choose to work with creatives with a mission that will rattle the somebody’s world for the better.

For those who want to marry the power of poetry and science of psychology.

For those who want to use their strengths paired with writing to touch the heart, mind, and soul.

If this sounds like a good fit for you then don’t be afraid to reach out.


Tools I used to launch my website: a review